Employee Engagement Custom Marketing Apparel

How Swag is your SWAG?: Going Beyond the Logo

5 minute read
How Swag is your SWAG?: Going Beyond the Logo

Whether you're running a giveaway, promoting your business at an event, or welcoming a new employee to the team, your marketing materials are a representation of your brand. 

Research shows that you have 7 seconds to make a first impression. And at industry events, you can make over 100 impressions in a day. Generating interest and cultivating buy-in is essential for brand recognition and growth. 

The same goes for a growing team. A negative onboarding experience can seriously impact employee retention. More specifically, employees with a poor experience are twice as likely to look for other career opportunities and 20% of all turnover occurs within the first 45 days of employment. Branded swag gear for new employees introduces them to your brand and welcomes them to your team. And don’t forget about remote employees - they require the same quality. Send their welcome gift to arrive on or before their first day. 


Whether you’re wearing it or handing it out, great quality marketing swag has the power to attract, entice, unite, and impact. Many times, companies settle for low-quality custom merchandise that finds its way to the trash. Investing in quality is a great way to avoid the waste bin and stand out against the competition. 

Slapping a logo on a common item isn’t going to get you noticed. Here are 4 top tips you should consider when choosing memorable branded merchandise:


Have a company mascot? Make it come to life! That inspiring company slogan? Showcase it! Items like custom-designed logowear have the ability to grab attention and spark a conversation. Consider everything from the item itself to the packaging and details. 


Face of a Female Farmer t-shirt Face of a Female Farmer t-shirt

Face of a Female Farmer t-shirt




Outfitting your staff and teams is just as important. Branded polos, quarter-zip pullovers with the company logo, or t-shirts with the business slogan will unify your team and keep everyone looking professional in-office, with clients, or at events.  


Polar King Watch Cap

KEY For Business Women's Dynasty Quarter Zip Pullover

KEY For Business Trucker Hat



This is most likely someone’s first impression of your brand. Settling for lesser quality items (read: in-house printed flyers and scratchy t-shirts) doesn’t leave an impactful impression of your brand. In reality, cheap is expensive. When investing in items to represent your brand, choose quality. 


KEY For Business Men's Dynasty Quarter Zip Pullover



Free items are great, but how are you going to ensure they’ll come back to make a purchase? Consider adding a little fun and gamification. Create a follow-up landing page that reveals a new daily offer or generates an instant giveaway item. Or send an interesting follow-up email to all your new contacts that offers an exclusive deal. 

Two-thirds of people are willing to share their information with companies, but only in exchange for some perceived value. Whether you’re looking for a new partner or potential client, consider the value you’re offering in exchange for their information.

At KEY For Business, we offer value by offering free shipping for any order over $300 and a free premium item (branded or unbranded) for the purchaser on orders over $500. At events and on mailers, we’re sure to include those offers to nurture longstanding partnerships. 



Ready to make a lasting impression?
Here are a few people doing it right. 




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